My Favorite Vlogging Tips and Tricks
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I’m so excited about today’s post! Yep, you read that right – my favorite vlogging tips. I don’t really do much “behind the scenes” talk around these parts, but I always find these kinds posts very interesting! To me, it’s intriguing to see how bloggers actually manage their blog and what helps them be successful.
For this post, I have collaborated with some other fabulous bloggers in what we have coined our “Better Blogging Blog Tour.” Each of us has put together an informative post on a topic we feel confident about. Mine? Vlogging tips. Getting behind the camera! So let’s jump right in! (And don’t forget to check out the other ladies’ posts I have linked at the bottom of this one!)
Vlogging seems to be scary if you’ve never done it before. Talking in font of millions of people on the internet…. letting them see your face, your mannerisms, hear your voice, etc. It can be a little overwhelming, especially if you’re used to expressing yourself through your writing. I’m here to tell you that it’s super fun! I’m definitely no professional, but I feel like videos are one of my strengths in blogging and I love to talk about how I do it all. There are some things to help your videos look better, and we’re going to get to that in a second.
But, my friends…. you must remember one of the most important vlogging tips I’m sharing today:
Always talk to the camera like you are chatting with your best friend and be yourself! You could have the prettiest makeup, clothes, background, hair, and your video is edited to the nines but if you have zero personality…. NOBODY CARES! Laugh at yourself, sing in Italian (not like I’ve done that before…hahaha), crack jokes. If you aren’t a “bubbly” person, or straight up crazy like me, that’s still okay. Just be you – talk to us like we are your best friends.
Now, let’s get to the nitty gritty for the best vlogging tips.
- The most popular choice for filming gear, especially for beauty gurus, is using a DSLR with video capabilities. I have the Canon 60D, and the 70D is a popular choice because it has continual auto focus. Another popular budget friendly choice is the Canon T3i (although it’s discontinued by Canon). These are all popular because they have a swivel screen. You can set the camera on a tripod and flip the screen out to make sure you are in the frame. The Canon T5i is probably the best budget-friendly choice because it has continual autofocus.
- If you have a camera that doesn’t have a swivel screen, put a mirror behind your camera to make sure you are in the frame. I used to do this before I upgraded.
- A tripod is almost essential for this. I tried to set my camera on tops of books and man, setting it all up took more time than the actual filming. You don’t need an expensive tripod. I have this one and it works just fine.
- A camera remote is essential for me. Since my camera doesn’t have continual autofocus, I sit in the frame, focus with the remote, and hit record with it as well. This one was super cheap off of amazon. You can also use it for epic selfies.
- If you are using your computer’s webcam to vlog or even an iPad/phone, that is perfectly fine. Don’t feel like you are less of a vlogger because that’s what you have.
- Many people use lights when filming and have found luck with this set, as it’s budget friendly and top rated on Amazon. It is not necessary, but having plenty of light is.
- As of July 2015, I got this ring light from Amazon, and I use that with the combination of natural lighting.
Setting up Your Filming Spot
- The most important thing is to have plenty of light. Before I had my ring light, I filmed on the floor of my master bedroom (most of the time) in front of two windows. I would open the blinds to both windows and I make sure it is in the middle of the day and no direct sunlight is streaming in.
- With my ring light, I turn around and sit in front of the curtains (on the floor) with the windows behind me and have the light stream in as fill light, while sitting in front of the ring light. It would be awesome to have a filming room, but this setup works just fine for me.
- Make sure your filming background isn’t too distracting. I sit in front of a chest of drawers, a wall, or white curtains. Sitting in a pretty bedroom is nice, just nothing too cluttered.
- Set the camera up on the tripod a little higher than head level and angle it down towards you for a more flattering look. Avoid that double chin!
- If you are using a laptop or iPad/phone, set it on top of something at head level and angle it downward.
- If you are using a DSLR, you can get a nice background blur if you sit closer to the camera and set your F-stop lower. I even do this on my kit lens.
While Filming
- Sometimes it’s good to write an outline of what you’ll be talking about beforehand, so that it keeps you on topic. I do this a lot, especially with my end of year favorites videos.
- Make sure to introduce yourself and what you will be talking about! I always make sure to say “Hey everyone! It’s Meg! Welcome back! Today we’ll be talking about….”
- Look at the camera lens, not yourself in the screen. This is hard not to do. I always check the viewfinder to make sure I’m in focus and in the frame, but looking at the camera lens is the equivalent of making eye contact with your audience.
- I always aim to keep my video under 10 minutes when edited. That means when I am filming I try to be as brief as possible. If I have been filming for 20 minutes, it is going to be hard to edit, so keeping it brief during filming makes it easier for me later. If it’s an in-depth tutorial, that’s a different story. I look at it this way: I don’t typically like to watch videos that are longer than 10 minutes on YouTube, so I try to do the same on my own channel.
- Editing is your friend. If I completely mess up, I pause, say “3, 2, 1” and re-start. When I’m editing, I know I can take that out. If I ramble, I just take it out.
- After I film, I always snap a selfie to use as my thumbnail. Sometimes I’ll hold up products or make a weird face. Whatever tickles my fancy. Ha.
- Using a call-to-action in your videos is a good idea – encourage people to like, subscribe, and follow your blog. I need to do this more often.
- Editing does not need to be professional. I use iMovie on my MacBook Pro. It’s very easy to use. As long as you can put in some titles and cut out parts of a video, that’s all you really need to know. My most used edit is the split clip (command+B) and delete clips I split in between. Then I add titles and music and that’s it.
- There are tons of iMovie tutorials on YouTube that will walk you through simple edits – give them a watch and you will be a pro in no time. YouTube even has its own editor that’s supposedly easy to use!
- I always make sure to use Royalty Free music on all of my videos. YouTube has a great library you can download music from for free.
- I will take the selfie I use for my thumbnail, and add some text over it in Photoshop, but PicMonkey does the job! I then always upload my custom thumbnail when uploading my video to YouTube.
- I make sure to use the thumbnail as featured image in WordPress when I post the video on my blog, so that it shows up when shared on facebook, bloglovin’, etc.
- Did you know that videos rank high with SEO? That means when someone googles, videos are likely to be among the top search results. This is why you need to vlog.
- Set up your YouTube Channel using your Google+ account so it’s all connected to your blog.
- Make sure to tell us on your blog how to subscribe to you on YouTube, and make sure you link to your blog on your YouTube channel!
- Use the YouTube subscription bar to tell us how to follow you on other social media platforms.
- I also use the description bar to put in my keywords.
There you have it! I hope my favorite vlogging tips and tricks have helped you! I also hope they’ve inspired you to make a video. I’ll be your first subscriber! If you have any questions or comments, leave them below.
Want some more behind the scenes tips from some of my favorite bloggers? Make sure you check out the other posts in our Better Blogging Blog Tour as well as my own Blogging Tips section! Click below and be enlightened.
SO SO good!!! I’m going to step up my vlogging game! I’ve done it a little, but I think these tips will really help me stay focused and do even more of it! Thanks so much for sharing all the details!
Vlogging is so fun and I’m glad that my tips helped!! Thanks for having me in the blog tour!!
Thanks. Nice tips!
I actually have my YouTube Channel.
My problem happen when I don’t have ideas to videos. Hehe.
I LOVE these tips, I’ve totally wanted to get more into vlogging but it scares me! I even have a Cannon 6D (no swivel screen) but I know it’d work and a tripod. You’ve got me thinking now 😉
YES! You should do it. Your camera is WAY MORE BOSS, even though it doesn’t have a swivel screen! Doing the mirror trick (especially with a full length mirror leaned up against a wall) is an awesome way to make sure you’re in the frame, along with using the remote. Do it do it!!!
Man, now I want a new camera! 🙂 Such amazing, amazing tips, Meg! I’ve always wanted to vlog but 1) I don’t have the right equipment yet and 2) I don’t know what I’d vlog about. But all of your info makes me want to start thinking about it and coming up with a game plan. So insightful! I love all of your videos. You’re the only vlogger I ever watch, too. It must be your Italian singing. 😉 So happy you joined the blog tour! Thank you, thank you, thank you!
I take that back. I also watch Channing and Michelle. 😉
What camera do you have? Does it have video capabilities? You can definitely try the whole putting a mirror behind the camera on the tripod (a full length mirror you can lean against a wall works awesome) to make sure you can see that you’re in the frame. Or you could just be simple and do it on your phone/ipad!! I think you should give it a try!! Thanks for having me in the blog tour! It’s been so awesome.
I just realized that I do have the video capability! 🙂 I have the Canon Rebel T3. Why did I not know this until now? Lol.
Well this is just amazing! I have never done a vlog for a lot of reasons, but the biggest one being my voice. I think I sound like a man, haha! And I have no idea what I’d vlog about! These are awesome tips and great for someone who is just starting to think about doing some vlogs.
Thanks for collaborating Meg!
Dude I’m sure you don’t sound like a man!! I think you should do it! I sing, start talking like a hillbilly, and pretty much look like a darn fool in my videos and my friends haven’t disowned me yet. LOL! You could always start with some Tag or “Get to Know Me” or accent videos! Those are always super fun!
These tips were SO helpful! I’ve never vlogged (yet) but have always wondered HOW to do it, and you explained everything so well here, going into such great detail. Awesome post and I’m so happy to have gotten the chance to collaborate with you!
You should definitely vlog! It brings an even more awesome connection to your readers and many people ONLY watch my videos on my YouTube channel. Weird, right? Anyway, glad to collaborate with you too!! 🙂
Thanks for sharing this information. These tips are helpful for me to make my vlogs easily and get fame. Thanks
This is so helpful! I started a vlog last year and it became daunting so quickly. I love the mirror tip and I didn’t realize that videos come up more frequently in searches. This is great motivation to power through this tough beginning stage. Thank you!
I’m so glad this is helpful for you! Definitely using a mirror helps, and it’s even better if it’s a full length mirror you can lean against a wall behind your tripod. Super easy solution to figure out if you’re in the frame!
I love this. I don’t know that I could be a vlogger, but you make it seem like a really great idea! You explain everything very well in this post!! Thanks for this amazing collaboration! 🙂
Glad that you thought my tips are helpful! I do think every blogger should vlog – it really is an awesome extension of your blog and another way that your readers can connect with you!
Loving this collaboration! Lots of great ideas if/when I ever decide to venture into the vlogosphere. 🙂
Thank you!! You should definitely vlog, it’s tons of fun!
These are such great tips! There’s notbing worse than someone with no personality rambling on camera! Lol! Maybe I’ll have to start a YouTube channel soon…..
Thank you so much! You should start a channel! It’s such an amazing addition to have to your blog!
Great tutorial!
Thank you so much! I meant to tell you that I have been watching some of your videos and I enjoy them!! 🙂
These are great tips, but I’m such a weirdo in vlogs.
No you’re not! I loved watching your vlogs!
I’ve been trying to do my first ever vlog today and I absolutely, 197% over thought it!
But glad I stumbled across this today, I’ll definitely give it another go…maybe with less fear. Maybe I’ll embrace the fear and make it work for me. I guess we’ll all find out soon enough.
M x Life Outside London
Glad that my tips could help!! Let me know when you post it and I would love to come and watch! 🙂
Timely post Meg! I had one window open googling tips on how to better video myself and another open browsing blogs. Glad I came across this and don’t have to waste any time!
Squealing with delight here! I JUST made a goal to do more videos on my blog so this came just in time! I love reading about how all the magic happens. Thanks for sharing your behind the scenes tips. Love it!
These are amazing tips! Thank you!
You are welcome!!! Thank you for your sweet comment 🙂
Thank you so much for your great tips! It’s always good to hear from someone who has gone through the process already.
this was such an informative and helpful post! I just started a YouTube channel so I am super grateful to have found your tips . Thank you!! Xx
Yay! Glad you found it helpful!
Great post! Thank you for putting together this list.
It takes a lot of time, skills and techniques to master good editing before on can ever upload on YT.
Also, for the mobile generation, the vlogging format needs to be shorter (<3mn?)
Hi Meg! Thank you so much for this article, it’s brilliant! I have done a couple nail art how to videos and I definitely need these suggestions and more lol. I know I need to be more “me” I get nervous though and I’m not naturally very bubbly. Off to check out your videos now…
My YouTube channel is figtreestamps if you want to have a look.
such great tips! I recently became a daily vlogger and have used many of these tips and appreciated hearing the new ones! If you get a minute go and check out my vlogs! YouTube: David and Darci
Great post I am definitely going to invest in a camera!
That is the best place to start!!
Thank you for your tips. This is a new thing that I’m stepping into and want to make the right steps in the begging. I would love it if you would follow In the future. Thanks for the tips again.
Thank you.. I’m starting vlogging recently after i came to YouTube Creator’s Day. I never thought I have courage to show up on a video, but yes.. after did it, i think i’m going to do it again ahahahaha
GREAT tips!! One of my goals for 2016 is to get my first YouTube channel up and running. Will definitely be pinning this for reference 🙂
This post was SO helpful. Thank you so much for sharing your tips (I can’t wait to try them)! XO Kara @ Fit Chick Nextdoor
I’m so glad I helped you!!! I would love to see any videos you have put up!
Yes! Totally will 🙂
Will the canon T1i work the same? I am finding those at a very reasonable price!
I couldn’t remember what the specs were on the T1i, so I looked it up. It does do video, but it doesn’t have a swivel screen, which may make it hard for videos! I would definitely look for a T3i… I bet you could find some good deals!
Yes! Thank you for these tool! Best bolg I’ve seen so far on this topic!!
I love this post! Thank you so much for this, I really like how you included resources and tips for people starting with any old equipment. I’m still stuck on a point and shoot camera, but I’m looking to upgrade to a DSLR, and at the same time, I really want to move my food blogging over to YouTube This post really helped me so thanks for that!
I´m so shy about actually uploading videos to my channel since I am unsure about the video quality.
I have a good camera but somehow uploading the files to my computer/edeting software just lowers the quality drastically…
Do you have any idea why that could be? It makes me feel really unconfident.
I love filming and edeting and am confident about my content but I want it to be as best as possible. (Also, I could never upload a beauty tutorial with bad lighting or video quality, right!?)
I really wish I knew what to tell you!! I guess it all depends on what you use to edit and how you’re exporting. I hope you get this problem fixed!!
This is so helpful! Thank you so much!
These are really nice tips for new vloggers coming from someone with more experience. I’m sure it will save a lot of time to newcomers.
I actually would like to add that having an amazing camera isn’t what you should worry about when you start vlogging. A lot of video bloggers have recorded videos that got more than a million views with really cheap cameras that can record up to 720p.
But I would add that if you want to invest a little bit of money in improving your quality, you should always start with your microphone. You can find extremely good mics to record with for 50$, but you can improve your sound a LOT even by simply using a mic that costs around 10 bucks, instead of using your camera’s built-in mic.
I’m not the one to talk about marketing or creating entertaining content on a vlog channel, but I’m a little bit of a camera and audio geek, so I always have some technical tips for vloggers.
If you’d like to know something, just hit me up!
Thanks for your post, and have a nice day!
No doubt It’s great post but I have an question. I have no mac PC. I am windows user. Thant’s why I am using adobe premiere pro.
Now need to know, Is Adobe premiere pro perfect video editor for my YouTube video?
Thank’s 🙂
i just stummbledupon your site and found it very interesting. thanks for sharing these vlogging tips. why do prefer canon cameras over sony and other brands? and is it difficult to vlog with a camera without flip screen?
Hi meg ! Its really a big help for me as a begginer ! Thanks !
More power and Godbless!
Thank you so much for this article it helped me a lot in my vlogging career.
This post is great and still relevant four years later! Thanks for the tips!
This is the best post I’ve read on vlogging! Thank you.
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Awesome article !! I really get a huge buck of information while reading this article. I am going to bookmark your website and check it on regular basis..!!
I really get a huge buck of information while reading this article. I am going to bookmark your website and check it on regular basis..!!
I just stummbledupon your site and found it very interesting. thanks for sharing these vlogging tips.
great work with deep insights.
great work with deep insights.
With such responsive motors, you could put an IR pinhole camera on the dartboard itself and have it track the dart’s retroreflector and just move the board to keep it centered in the camera shot. Could probably do it with just a Wiimote sensor, or led’s and an avr.
Perfect if you want a dart in your lens every time.
Thanks for the tips it really gonna help me in my vlogging career and hope for a successful vlogging adventure